Wednesday, December 29, 2010

World’s Largest Functional Yoyo

The world’s largest functional yoyo is 11 feet, 6 inches in diameter. The massive toy was designed by the Computer Aided Design or CAD team at Bay College in Escanaba, Michigan. It took the seven members four months to perfect the behemoth, because it had to function like a normal yoyo in order to qualify for the world record. The test run went off without a hitch with the yoyo being dropped from a height of 90 feet.

Over a hundred spectators gathered to watch the yo-yo drop. All were quite impressed with what the team had accomplished. Yo-Yo Factory, which manufactures yo-yo's out of Arizona, helped fund the project. They too felt this was quite an accomplishment. The CAD Team currently has the yo-yo up for sale. They've seen interest from yo-yo museums from as far as San Francisco. They hope to sell the yo-yo for at least $6,000 and the majority of those funds will go toward local charities.

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