Saturday, January 15, 2011

Animals Taste Buds

A catfish is turbocharged with taste buds. A 6-inch catfish have over 250,000 taste buds. They cover its entire body inside and out including its fins, back, belly and tail - making it literally a swimming tongue. In comparison, humans have around 10,000 taste buds only.

Flies and butterflies can taste with their feet. These insects have the ability to taste whatever they land on. If they taste something they like, they can immediately mop it up with their tongues. Otherwise they can fly off.

The Kea, a relative of the parrot is a bird native to New Zealand and a rubber lover. Folklore abounds that this strong bird has acquired the taste for rubber and will peck away at the rubber windscreen wipers on cars - even when the cars are moving.

Here's an article that can tell you all about the animals with the best taste buds in the world.

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