Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cell Phone on Fire

Cell phones are so much a part of our daily lives and some of us practically sleep with them. But did you know these constant companions can actually start a fire or explode? It's a rare occurrence but it happens while the phone is in use or in the pocket of the owner.
There have been several reported incidents in which a seemingly normal cell phone has burst into flames. A man from Vallejo, California suffered third degree burns all over his body when he slept with his phone in his pocket. A cell phone in the front pocket of a man's pants spontaneously combusted, quickly ignited his clothes and left the man with third-degree burns across at least half his body. In another case a teenager's phone in California exploded, sending battery fragments shooting around the room.
All batteries run the risk of bursting into flames, but the Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that this danger can be prevented by: keeping phone batteries away from metal such as coins, reducing exposure to extreme heat or pressure, and using only batteries that have been designed for your own specific phone model.

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