Sunday, August 22, 2010

Past Life Puzzle

Ever wondered if you have been in this world before! Just how exciting would it be to know who you were in your past lives? Who were you and where were you?

We unconsciously carry forward experiences, attitudes, and relationships from our prior lives into our current lifetimes. Our relationships, health, job and financial status is a result of what happened in our previous lives.

Many times traumatic experiences or phobias such as fear of heights or fear of water, are left unresolved, relationships are left unhealed, or attitudes and decisions may be carried forward from a past lifetime that is detrimental to our current life. Regression therapy has traditionally been used, in resolving these experiences from the past that are blocking our progress and happiness now.

Regression therapy, also known as past life therapy is based upon the premise that we are eternal beings who carry forward learning and experiences from one human lifetime to another. Regression therapy is person or client-centred. It focuses upon the discovery of the origins of a client's problem. Past lives memories are explored through the use of hypnotic regression, which means a person is put into a hypnotic or highly relaxed state, and are then regressed to the time and place where the original activating event occurred.

Re-experiencing the key events of a past life and reprocessing the impact helps in resolving current issues more effectively. Traditionally regression therapy has been used to solve problems related to troubling behaviour and attitude patterns that have persisted over time; phobias or intense fears, such as fear of heights or fear of water that seem unconnected to an experience in the current life; some chronic physical ailments, sensations and pains and dominant attitudes or emotions that seem to persist throughout the life.

Now, regression therapy is also being applied to more positive experiences rather than just troubling memories. It can be applied to access one’s strengths, accomplishments and success from prior lifetimes to increase confidence in the present and accessing the wisdom and spiritual nature of one’s existence to give direction to present lifetime.

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