Saturday, September 4, 2010

Solar toothbrush

Just imagine brushing your teeth without any toothpaste. Yes, this is feasible with new solar toothbrush. Dr. Kunio Komiyama and his colleague Dr. Gerry Uswak at University of Saskatchewan have developed a prototype of light-powered toothbrush that could be the future of oral hygiene. The world’s first high technology toothbrush is being manufactured by the Japanese company Shiken . The toothbrush is called the“Soladey-J3X” and is currently in a testing phase.
The toothbrush features a solar panel at its base, which sends electrons to the top of the toothbrush through a led wire. These electrons then cause a reaction with chemicals in the mouth that clears away plaque, eliminating the need for any toothpaste. However, the device won't work in the dark, and needs about as much light to work as a solar powered calculator.

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